Monday, November 12, 2012

Ebain R’combinant Peptide Cream イバインペプタイドクリーム

Collagen, made up of long strands of amino acids, is really the main building block of skin, giving the skin its smooth, and youthful aearance. イバインのテクノロジーによってこのクリームが肌の奥深く(真皮)に届き、年齢と共に弱ったコラーゲンの組織に働きかけ弾力のある肌へと導きます。そして使い続けることでしわを防止しまた、できてしまったしわを限りなく目立たなくし若々しい肌を保ちます。

As we age, collagen is l ost, and this gives way to aged, wrinkled looking skin.

When the long strands of amino acids in collagen are broken down they create small chains commonly referred to as peptides.

The presence of these peptides signal to the skin that it has lost collagen and the production of more is necessary

Too much big molecular weight of Peptide prevented it from absorbing into deep layer.

But our Peptide cream is encapsulated using newest delivery technology to deep layer so help to produce collagen and help to improve fine wrinkles and wrinkles.

How to use;
使用方ith about 1 finger tip, rub all area of your fa
smoothly and then rub the wrinkle

corner 2 or 3 more times.

We recommend rub Multi Peptide Toner again..

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